Edith Bogue Southern Magnolia is prized due to its hefty growth habit and its beautiful, robust and fragrant blossoms. Some feedback with plantings further north into Zones 6 and 5b indicate this Southern Magnolia cultivar has a greater cold tolerance. This is a great cultivar if you can find it in cultivation.
D.B. Blanchard Southern Magnolia
D.B. Blanchard Southern Magnolia is one of the most beautiful cultivars of Southern Magnolia in cultivation. It’s attributes include shiny green foliage with brown undersides which resemble dark brown velour and large dinner plate size blooms which smell like lemons.
D.B. Blanchard is more finicky in being transplanted which can often result in excessive leaf drop. Interestingly enough, moving it in the heat of the Summer lessens this situation. We do not recommend moving this plant in the fall and/or winter.
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