Many homeowners suddenly find themselves in need of instant shade sometimes from the loss of an older established tree or from moving into a new home where all the trees were removed. Home and Garden Landscapes has many years of providing homeowners with instant shade solutions with larger trees suited to their specific set of circumstances. Whether its using the fast-growing Princeton American Elm or cultivars of Red Maple which provide brilliant fall color, we have a solution. Some of our larger trees are available in sizes up to about 28 feet and with an initial trunk caliper of 6″ or more.
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River Birch
River Birch is a native of Eastern North America and is extensively used in the landscape. As one of the few trees with a tolerance for soggy soil conditions as well as dry placement, this allows for a large range of use in landscaping.
Trees are very fast growing and have a coppery-brown coloration to the bark. Extreme heat can cause premature leaf drop in late Summer but some cultivars such as Dura-Heat River Birch lessen this problem.
This tree should be given plenty of room and not planted near foundations, masonry or the house where its invasive root system can cause issues. It is also susceptible to ice storm damage and should not be planted where it can fall on structures. However, if you have the room, this is a great fast-growing shade and/or ornamental choice for the landscape.