Many homeowners suddenly find themselves in need of instant shade sometimes from the loss of an older established tree or from moving into a new home where all the trees were removed. Home and Garden Landscapes has many years of providing homeowners with instant shade solutions with larger trees suited to their specific set of circumstances. Whether its using the fast-growing Princeton American Elm or cultivars of Red Maple which provide brilliant fall color, we have a solution. Some of our larger trees are available in sizes up to about 28 feet and with an initial trunk caliper of 6″ or more.
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Red Oak
This easy grower gets up to 80 feet tall at maturity and tolerates poor soil conditions. Red Oaks are long-lived like most oaks and prefer acidic soil that is on the dry side. Showy leaves are dark green on top and contrasted with a downy tan coating on the bottom. They don’t need much pruning but if necessary, trim them in late winter or early spring. When established, Red Oaks are drought tolerant. Their acorns take two years to mature and drop and are valued by wildlife.